Travel Services

The following assumptions are exemplary for the travel und tourist services intermediated by Jambo Rafiki Sailing and Travel Limited.

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The following assumptions are exemplary for the travel und tourist services intermediated by Jambo Rafiki Sailing and Travel Limited.

1) The travel agreement comes to being when the customer (the traveler or a representative) orders the service, Jambo Rafiki Sailing and Travel Limited accepts it and acknowledges the reception that is put on file and the advanced money is paid by the traveler.

2) The time and the period of the travel, the fixing and the quality of the services and the mode of fulfilment with the participation fee are all contained in the acknowledgement sent by Jambo Rafiki Sailing and Travel Limited.

3) When ordering the services, the 50% of the whole participation fee has to be paid as deposit. The rest must be paid on the 15th day before the beginning of the travel at latest. Electronic notifications are sent about the dates of payment. If the traveler does not accomplish the dates of payment, Jambo Rafiki Travel Services considers the order as cancelled even when it was acknowledged before.

4) If the traveler becomes locked out of the travel because of the violation of the law or breaks off the journey of any reasons, he/she cannot raise a claim to the refunding of the paid-in participation fee. The traveler is obligatory to respect the existing laws of passport, customs duty and foreign exchange. In case of neglecting or breaking these laws, all the costs and losses charging the traveler. Before the beginning of the travel, the traveler has to sign travel insurance.

5) Jambo Rafiki Sailing and Travel Limited is not obligatory to repay the service costs (participation fee) if the traveler does not make a use of any services or subservice of his/her own free will or any reasons occurred in his/her sphere of interests.

6) In so far as the travel fails or it is modified because of vis maior reasons, Jambo Rafiki Sailing and Travel Limited does not bear the responsibility of compensation.

7) The traveler has the right to cancel the travel or the ordered services. This cancelling has to be done in written form. In case of cancelling, the following fees have to be paid-in from the whole participation fee counting backwards from the beginning of the travel:

on the 35th day or earlier: 10%
between the 34th and 15th day: 50%
within 15 days: 100%

8) On behalf of the implement of the travel, Jambo Rafiki Sailing and Travel Limited co-operated with other companies, like flying, bus, taxi and ship companies. In case of any problems in the functioning of these companies (for example: strike, delay, technical problems etc.), Jambo Rafiki Sailing and Travel Limited does not assume the responsibility or any compensation.

9) In case of any legal questions emerged in connection with the tourist services, the parties submit to the absolute jurisdiction of court of justice according to the residence of Jambo Rafiki Sailing and Travel Limited.


80401-5572 Diani Beach, Kenya
Diani Beach Road
P.O.Box 5572
Tel: +254 717 555 166   +36 21 2525 045


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